EZZ NMN on the shelves of US retail giant COSTCO

(Senmer News Wire)

Recently, COSTCO, the largest membership-based supermarket chain in the United States, and EZZ, the first brand of NMN, have cooperated to put a NMN product on the shelves of stores in many countries, including Australia, which not only triggered local consumers to hoard like crazy, but also attracted the attention of many foreign media. It is reported that, as the world’s most famous strictly selected membership supermarket, the entry of the United States COSTCO will not only bring strong market growth to the traditional reliance on drugstore sales of NMN, but also conducive to COSTCO stores around the world, quality NMN products to consumers in many countries in Asia, Europe, Australia and America.

On February 3, Eric Zhang, an Australian-Chinese who has been living in Sydney for a long time, was shopping at COSTCO Sydney 1 when he suddenly found that an exclusive NMN goods area had been added, with hundreds of boxes of NMN products neatly placed on it, and these NMN brands were the local NMN national brand EZZ, which is popular in major pharmacies in Australia and New Zealand. next to the shelves, Australian consumers who came to purchase The company’s products are available in a wide range of sizes and sizes.

“You know, now is the epidemic period, everyone needs such a product can improve immunity, this NMN although in Sydney major pharmacies can buy, but because too many people buy, many stores to arrive in a short time seconds empty, many times can only be lucky to grab a box or two, here the goods more abundant, and I have COSTCO membership card, the price is also cheaper than I have a COSTCO membership card, and the price is cheaper than outside pharmacies, so I simply stock up on a few more boxes.” Isabella, a 68-year-old retired Australian teacher, said in a media interview.

The reporter learned that the United States COSTCO is one of the world’s most legendary retail giants, as the world’s largest membership-based supermarket chain, its adherence to the core model of strictly selected SKU, volume, membership, stores across the global market. It is reported that in Australia and other stores on the shelves EZZ NMN, is the United States COSTCO in the world for the first time to introduce NMN products.

The reporter learned that the hot sale of NMN in COSTCO, in addition to COSTCO’s strong sales capacity, is also closely related to the consumer environment and the market reputation of EZZ NMN. The current global epidemic is getting more and more intense, in the face of constantly mutating viruses, in addition to a difficult to find vaccine, scientists have repeatedly reminded that the most effective means to improve their own immunity. NMN is recognized as the best way to improve immunity quickly. Taking NMN can produce a coenzyme called NAD+ in the body, which can activate the human longevity protein family Sirtuins1-7, thus quickly repairing damaged immune cells, stimulating the body’s source of power, complementing the body’s immunity shortcomings, and increasing the ability to resist foreign pathogens. In addition, it is also the supplementation of NAD+ that allows the body to regain its youthful state.

As the exclusive partner of COSTCO in introducing the NMN category, EZZ is recognized as the number one NMN brand in the industry. It is reported that the EZZ brand operator is the New Zealand EZZ Life Sciences Group, which has completed the subscription of new shares in the Australian Stock Exchange and will soon become the first NMN global share.

Many global media said that the fact that an emerging cutting-edge life science product like NMN is on the shelves of the world’s largest severely selected supermarkets like COSTCO is significant and symbolic in itself. “It represents that taking NMN to reverse aging and boost resistance has become a common choice among mainstream middle-class groups around the world.”

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Source: EZZ NMN on the shelves of US retail giant COSTCO
